We have our featured designer of the week, BlackCatsSVG tell us more about herself, her designs and her creative journey;
Could you tell us about yourself? Where are you from, what do you do, etc.?
I’m Mihaela. I’m a full time designer, dreamer, mommy and wife. I live in Romania with my beautiful family, a 3-year old boy, my bearded hubby and our 2 black cats.
How did your design journey begin?
I’ve been drawing, reading and creating ever since I was little. My grandparents were the ones who raised me mostly, so I mainly lived in the countryside with them. Through that experience, I learned to appreciate simplicity and was blessed with the most powerful beliefs in trusting God as well as respecting and loving nature and all living things. Later, after finishing my Literature degree and working at a newspaper editorial office, I experienced serious burnout and I felt that the creative part inside of me was fading. I felt that I was losing the vital connection with my real purpose, of creating beautiful things and sharing it with the world. I decided to quit everything and start over. So in 2013, I opened my first online shop and never looked back. The feeling was so satisfying, to create and be appreciated for it, to know that your art is on people’s t-shirts, on woodsigns, gifts,etc. It’s a feeling I enjoy every day since. I like to call it “friendly art” because it’s something that is shared and travels, leaving joy behind. I am lucky to be married to an illustrator, who is the manly part behind BlackCats, and I wouldn’t be here without his help and support.
Featured product: Summer Clipart Bundle
Where do you usually find your inspiration?
I am inspired mostly by nature. I can’t stand staying inside, for I am addicted to touching the ground, where I get my energy from. Also Pinterest, it’s my favorite! scroll scroll scroll Instagram too! I am a huge admirer of many artists who are talented at hand lettering, and they inspire me to become better every day. Usually I just see or hear a quote that I love and I just have to put it into nice lettering.
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Any favourite design references that you can share that might be helpful for other designers as well?
I learned a lot from The Complete Book of Chalk Lettering By Valerie McKeehan, and I am a big fan of all Lily and Val artwork. I am also a huge fan of all lettering by Tobias Saul and Mateusz Witczak.
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What are the most common design problems that you face?
The biggest thing that I wish I had more is time Since I’ve started to create fonts too, they take a lot of time unlike creating a SVG, so it sometimes spreads on to weeks, which seems like forever to me.
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Final question, do you have any advice or tips for anyone starting to sell their designs?
Never give up, I’ve learned that every step back I took was actually a huge step ahead on another path I never imagined, so be persistent, work hard and always create with love.
Featured product: Summer Bundle